速報APP / 社交 / Sparkling Purple Heart Keyboard Theme

Sparkling Purple Heart Keyboard Theme





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Sparkling Purple Heart Keyboard Theme(圖1)-速報App

This beautiful keyboard theme personalized your keyboard and make your phone cool and stylish! Your keyboard will look unique by using this keyboard theme. Sparkling Purple Heart only works with Touchpal keyboard installed on your phone.

Sparkling Purple Heart Keyboard Theme(圖2)-速報App

Download and decorate your keyboard with Cool Keyboard Theme now! It will make your phone look amazing on keyboard and you will have a wonderful sight every time you are typing a message and sending fun emojis and stickers! You will experience unbelievable fast and fun when you type with this cool Keyboard Theme. If you like this cool stylish keyboard, do not hesitate to download it from Play Store for FREE right now!

Sparkling Purple Heart Keyboard Theme(圖3)-速報App

If you are a personalization lover, do not miss this choice to customize your phone keyboard unique and stylish!

Sparkling Purple Heart Keyboard Theme(圖4)-速報App

Sparkling Purple Heart Keyboard Theme(圖5)-速報App